Hemorrhoids Specialist

Jean A. Jaffke, M.D. -  - Colorectal Surgeon

Jean A. Jaffke, M.D.

Colorectal Surgeon located in Novi, MI

When you have hemorrhoids, you may live with uncomfortable symptoms like itching, burning, and bleeding when you have a bowel movement. From her practice in Novi, Michigan, double board-certified colorectal surgeon Jean Jaffke, MD can help with in-office treatments to remove your hemorrhoids, including rubber band ligations and infrared coagulation. Sometimes, surgical procedures such as excision of the hemorrhoids is needed. You don’t have to put up with hemorrhoids. Call or schedule an appointment online today for effective hemorrhoid removal procedures.

Hemorrhoids Q & A

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins, similar to varicose veins, found in your anus and lower rectum. To say they’re quite common is no understatement. Nearly three-quarters of all adults will have hemorrhoid symptoms at some point in their lives. They can develop on the outside of your anus — external hemorrhoids — or inside your rectum — known as internal hemorrhoids.

Your hemorrhoids can also become thrombosed. A thrombosed hemorrhoid is when blood gets trapped in the swollen vein and a blood clot forms. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are painful but not usually dangerous.


What are the common symptoms of hemorrhoids?

You may have hemorrhoids and not experience any symptoms, especially if they’re internal. However, some of the symptoms of hemorrhoids include:

  • Itching or irritated feeling around your anus
  • Painless bleeding during bowel movements
  • Pain or discomfort when sitting
  • A lump near your anus


External and thrombosed hemorrhoids are more likely to cause painful symptoms. You should make an appointment with Dr. Jaffke when your condition causes pain or rectal bleeding.


What causes hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids usually come from lifestyle factors including:

  • Chronic diarrhea or constipation
  • Straining to pass a stool
  • Sitting for extended periods of time
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Low-fiber diet
  • Anal intercourse


The reason why some people develop hemorrhoid symptoms and others don’t isn’t apparent. However, you can reduce your risk by eating a high-fiber diet or taking a fiber supplement and drinking at least eight glasses of water every day.


How are hemorrhoids treated?

Dr. Jaffke offers a variety of in-office and outpatient surgical treatments to remove hemorrhoids. The treatments are available on an outpatient basis so you can go home to relax and recover on the same day.

Rubber band ligation

Dr. Jaffke places a rubber band around the base of your hemorrhoid. This procedure cuts off the blood supply to your hemorrhoid, causing it to wither and fall off in a week.


Dr. Jaffke can also surgically remove your hemorrhoid. She uses a local anesthetic to numb the area thoroughly before removing the hemorrhoids.


Call or schedule an appointment online today for expert hemorrhoid treatments.